Simple & Classic Halloween Table Setting

Good morning, friends!  Welcome to Monday.  I hope you all had an awesome weekend.  Ours was great and kind of a whirlwind — we had lots of plans every single day.  Sometimes that is fun, though.  🙂  It’s all about balance!

I took a bunch of photos of my in-laws’ Halloween decor a couple of weekends ago and I can’t wait to share them with you.  I thought we’d ease into it with a little Halloween table inspiration…

Simple & Classic Halloween Table Setting {Details Blog}

When my mom-in-law showed me this, I thought it was brilliant!  She bought those paper bats at Target, and then just layered and layered.

Simple & Classic Halloween Table Setting {Details Blog}

She has had those web-like placemats for years, and those made a great base for the setting.  They are kind of rubbery and are really versatile.  A red folded napkin, a red feather, ornate silverware, and simple white dishes really showcase great balance.

Simple & Classic Halloween Table Setting {Details Blog}

Have a great rest of your day!  🙂  See ya back here tomorrow.

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